observe the 50th anniversary of 意味

  • …の 50 年祭を催す


        50th:    =
        50th state:    《the ~》50番目{ばんめ}の州、ハワイ
        anniversary:     anniversary n. 記念日, 周年祭. 【動詞+】 The college has attained its sixty-third anniversary. その大学は創立以来 63 年になった celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of Mozart's birth モーツァルトの生誕 200 年を祝う
        observe:     observe v. 観察する, 観測する; 遵守する, 祝う; 気づく, 見る; 言う, 述べる. 【副詞1】 observe sth accurately あるものを正確に観察する This phenomenon has never actually been observed. この現象は実際に観察されたことは一度もない She observed h
        observe on:    ~に関して見解{けんかい}を述べる
        to observe:    to observe 上げる あげる
        50th of the sexagenary cycle:    50th of the sexagenary cycle 癸丑 きちゅう
        100th anniversary:    100周年{しゅうねん}
        anniversary advertising:    周年広告{しゅうねん こうこく}
        anniversary clock:    anniversary clock 400日巻時計[機械]
        anniversary date:    契約応当日{けいやく おうとう び}
        anniversary day:    オーストラリア建国記念日◆Australia Day の旧称
        anniversary dinner:    例年{れいねん}の響宴
        anniversary event:    記念式典{きねん しきてん}
        anniversary gift:    記念品{きねん ひん}


  1. "observe strict neutrality" 意味
  2. "observe strictly" 意味
  3. "observe subtle shifts in ocean currents" 意味
  4. "observe such delivery schedules" 意味
  5. "observe thanksgiving day with a family feast" 意味
  6. "observe the agreements reached at" 意味
  7. "observe the barium as it moves through the digestive tract" 意味
  8. "observe the basic rule" 意味
  9. "observe the behavior of" 意味
  10. "observe such delivery schedules" 意味
  11. "observe thanksgiving day with a family feast" 意味
  12. "observe the agreements reached at" 意味
  13. "observe the barium as it moves through the digestive tract" 意味

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